Sunday, May 27, 2018

Download La relatividad mental / The Mental Relativity: El sexo trascendental (pdf) Semao J. Siulcias

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Theories and Investigations of the THE Mental Relativity The Transcendental Sex The Woman is incredibly a copy of the Universe, so that man creates his own world...exactly to his image and resemblance. The woman is the glory that her man reaches, for her magic that she grace shines for its elegance, which inspired your life as a beautiful paradise. By her our soul screams us: "See how she walks, she is an angel from the sky, conquer her heart and take care so much, because by your children you'll return to the life; man and woman creating being, the best firmament for your existence." --------O--------- Teorias e Investigaciones de LA RELATIVIDAD MENTAL El Sexo Trascendental La Mujer increiblemente es una copia del Universo, para que el hombre construya su propio mundo, exactamente a su imagen y semejanza. La mujer es la gloria que el hombre alcanza, la magia que su gracia resplandece por su grata elegancia; quien inspira a su vida un hermoso paraiso. Por ella nuestra alma nos grita: " Mira como camina! Ella es un angel del cielo! Conquistala! y cuidala mucho, porque mediante vuestros hijos.
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